Pastor Stephen Dedman

Attributes Of Jesus

David himself calls him Lord. So how is he his son?” And the great throng heard him gladly.
‭‭Mark‬ ‭12:37‬

Jesus had a multitude of followers but they were not the educated or the sophisticated. They were common people who gladly listened to His words. They received His preaching and teaching because His words were relatable and understandable.

Jesus had three attributes that contributed to His messages. First, He had godly character. People will listen when they witness godly character. If you don’t display godly character in your life, people will not listen to your message or testimony.

Second, Jesus had holy conduct.  His conduct proved what He said was true and honest.  His conduct was without flaw.  Holy conduct proves what you believe.  His conduct reflected what He taught.

Third, Jesus had concern for others.  Because He was concerned for others salvation, people would give their attention to Him.  When you show people that you care for them, they will gladly hear what you have to say.

With these three attributes people gladly listened to Jesus when He spoke.  Do you exhibit these three attributes in your life? Make your voice be heard by living like Jesus.


Lord, let others see You through my actions.  Let my words prove that You are my Lord. Give me boldness to share the gospel with everyone I see.

Do You Follow Jesus?

Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me scatters.
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:30‬

There are those who follow Jesus and those who follow Satan.  There is no other choice.  Everyone must decide who they will follow.  

To be against Jesus is to side with Satan.  If you are not serving Christ you are serving Satan.  If you are against Jesus you are against God.  There is no peace for those who are against God.

Joshua said, “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15) 

The world has a lot to offer but it cannot give you anything permanent like what Jesus can.  The world will offer you happiness but Jesus gives you everlasting joy. Only Jesus can satisfy the longing of your soul.

Satan will deceive you and make you think that life is better without Jesus. Don’t fall in that trap. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus comes to give life and life more abundantly.

Which will you choose? To whom do you belong? Who gives you hope?


Lord, I will serve You and You only.  Guide me and direct my paths to do the work You call me to do. Thank You for giving me grace and forgiveness.

My Shepherd

My Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:1‬ ‭

Perfect Provision

The biblical shepherd knew everything about his sheep.  He knew what they wanted to eat and when they needed fresh water to drink.  He also knew the area well enough to guide the sheep in the right direction for the perfect food and water.  The sheep grew to trust the shepherd to meet their needs.  A good shepherd always gave his sheep the best.  The condition of the sheep was a reflection of the shepherd.

The Lord is our Good Shepherd.  (John 10:11)  The Psalmist was convinced that he would never “want” for anything because the Lord would always provide the best.  Just as the sheep need a shepherd so we need the Lord, our Good Shepherd, to meet our needs.  He provides everything we need just in time.  We do not need to worry of the Lord is going to provide, we just need to follow His lead and trust Him.  The Psalmist gives us a perfect illustration of how the Lord loves His sheep.  Even to die for us.

Is there something you are “wanting”?  It may be that you have turned your focus off the Lord and turned to a worldly perspective.  God’s economy is not the same as the world’s economy.  When our desires are distracted by a worldly attraction our sense of “wanting” changes.  We never need to “want” what the world has to offer.  If we keep our minds set on Christ and heavenly things, we will never “want”.  But if we place our passions on the things of this world we will find ourselves lacking because the things of the world will never satisfy our souls like the Lord does.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.


Lord, I know you give me everything I need.  Help me not to want what the world has to offer but to desire your perfect provision.