Is God Seeking After You?

‘Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?”’
Genesis 3:9
God’s first words to Adam immediately after he sinned were, “Where are you?” Notice closely that God didn’t say, “I know what you’ve done.” God knew exactly what had happened and knew exactly where he was, but He was seeking after Adam.
God was not angry and He was not interrogating Adam and Eve. God’s heart was broken because there was a great gulf fixed between them and there must be a bridge built to connect man back together with God. The question was meant to make Adam realize that he was lost.
The question was also meant to encourage Adam to confess his sin. He could not plead the Fifth! He had to answer to God and give an account.
Satan’s goal is to cause separation between God and man. But God provides a perfect way for man to come back into fellowship with Him. Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” – John 14:6
Where are you? Where are you in your relationship and fellowship with God? Are you close or are you hiding? You cannot plead the Fifth.
Lord, thank You for creating me and desiring to be with me. Thank You for providing a way through Jesus for me to be with You. Today, I draw close to You.