Everyone Needs Jesus

‘Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” ‘
Acts 3:6
Have you ever had someone ask you for money and you didn’t have any cash on-hand to give them? I don’t mean just another beggar asking for money, I’m talking about someone who you really wanted to help but you couldn’t. It’s a bad feeling to know that you can’t help someone who really needs it.
Peter and John faced a similar situation. While walking into the temple to pray, Peter was asked by a lame man if he had any money to give. Peter didn’t give him money, instead he gave him the best thing that he could ever receive and that was… a new life. Peter had faith that the beggar could be healed and he was.
Immediately the man got up and started praising God. The Bible says that all who saw him were amazed at what happened. Peter used this miracle as a preaching opportunity and Acts 4:4 tells us that about five thousand men were saved because of it.
Perhaps the best words that Peter said were, “What I do have I give you.” Peter knew that he possessed what the lame man needed. Not just a healing but salvation. Don’t ever miss an opportunity to share your faith with someone who is in need. God may be sending someone to you today so that you will give them what you have.
Lord, give me the spiritual power to give people what they need. Help me to notice when someone is in need. Thank You for giving me the best thing that has ever happened in my life.