You Are In Good Hands
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand.”
Psalms 37:23-24
Have you ever had one of those days when you feel defeated and discouraged? Yes, we all have. Maybe you’re feeling that way right now. Just know that the enemy is the one who is trying to discourage you, not God. As today’s scripture promises, God upholds you with His hand. As the insurance commercial states, You’re in good hands.
David wrote Psalm 37 while he was in a desperate and discouraging time. He was reflecting back on when he was in a similar situation and leaning on the promises of God. David knew God would never forsake him. He had a close relationship with God which gave him confidence. He knew that if he stumbled, God would be there to pick him back up. God is a loving Father who wants the best for His children.
The devil wants to make you feel that you are disqualified and rejected once you make a mistake. Sadly even some Christians criticize one another in the like manner. We must encourage one another and lift each other up. You can find plenty of negative people around you but how many are positive and encouraging?
Don’t ever believe the lies of the devil that you are disqualified when you mess up. In fact, most of our mistakes give us profound wisdom and understanding. We must learn from our failures and get up and make a difference. Some of the best people to receive counsel from are those who have encountered similar failures and made a difference moving forward. You may be the perfect person to give spiritual advice to someone who is suffering today.
Good people fall everyday but God will uphold you. You’re not defeated. You may feel discouraged or battered, but today is a new day. The first step of getting back up is reaching out for help. Reach out to God for what you need and He will not let you down. Keep a positive attitude and wait for God.
Lord, help me be an encourager to those who are discouraged. You are my Rock and Shield. Give me strength to endure.