Pastor Stephen Dedman

Joy vs. Sin

‘You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. ‘
1 Peter 1:8

Are you living a holy and righteous life? If you can say “yes” then most likely you are experiencing a fullness of joy.

As our verse for today says, “we rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy!” That’s a joy that’s so incredible you can’t even express it. And it’s all because of Jesus Christ.

At conversion, Jesus changes our life and gives us a new reason to live. The old self is dead and our new life is established in the purposes and plans of God. What a glorious way of living for Jesus!

Holiness is not about being religious. Rather, pure holiness is a beautiful expression and demonstration of the character of God. God desires that we live positively joyful while being disciplined and dedicated to the things that makes God happy.

The reason why people are not rejoicing is because they are harboring sin and shame. If you are not a joyful person you need to search your heart and repent of your sin. Then God will renew a right spirit within you and you will become joyful.

There is no joy in living in sin. Some people may enjoy their sin but there is no joy in their life. Instead they are miserable and disappointed.

But those who seek Him and His righteousness are full of inexpressible joy.

The only way we can remain pure and holy is to stay focussed on what is good, true, and right.


Lord, make my heart and mind reflect upon You and Your promises. Your ways and thoughts are much higher than mine. Give me a joy that reflects Your character.

Sing To The Lord

“I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.”
Psalms‬ ‭13:6‬

David expressed his joy by singing to the Lord. He was overwhelmed with joy from meditating on the fact that God had given him salvation. He knew he was saved and rejoiced in it. Singing to God increased his joy even more.

David used singing to overcome negative thoughts and emotions. When he felt depressed he would sing. If he felt burdened he sang to the Lord. Singing and praising the Lord was his way of coping with the difficulties he faced.

As David reflected on his life he couldn’t help but notice how good God was to him. God was always there for him no matter what he was facing. Do you have a reason to rejoice unto the Lord?

If you have received the free gift of salvation, you have a reason to sing. If you know your sins (past, present, and future) are forgiven, you have a reason to sing. If you know your eternal home is in Heaven, you have a reason to shout!

God gave us Jesus so we could rejoice and be glad. Jesus gives us hope for a bright future. When we think about how good God is and how good He has been to us it should put a song in our heart.

David began Psalm 13 with thinking that God had forgotten about him. He was feeling abandoned and all alone but by the last verse he was rejoicing and was glad.

When you are feeling down just meditate on the goodness of God. If you feel depressed or overwhelmed with despair think about what good things God has done for you. It won’t take long before your sorrow turns to joy.

Rejoice in the Lord and be glad today. Put a smile on your face and a song on your lips. Let others around you know how good God is. Let them join you in singing to the Lord.


Lord, thank you for giving me Jesus. Thank you for forgiving me of my sins. Thank you for giving me eternal life in Heaven.

Celebrate God

‘And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord ; It shall rejoice in His salvation.’
Psalms 35:9

Do people believe that the most important thing to you is God? It’s one thing to say that God is the most important thing; it’s another to prove it.

We must celebrate God in front of everyone we know. We should never hide the fact that we belong to Jesus. People should hear you speak about the One who gives you life and life eternal.

Do you take your relationship with God serious? If you say yes, how much time do you spend with Him? More importantly though, would God say you take your relationship with Him serious?

David took his relationship with God very serious. He promised that his entire being would be given to honor God. He truly celebrated and rejoiced in knowing God.

It makes a difference when we can rejoice in His salvation. It’s not our salvation. Salvation belongs to God and is given to us through the blood of Jesus Christ. That is something to celebrate about!

When you know you are saved and redeemed you can’t help but let others know it. You can’t hide it under a bushel. Let the whole world know who you belong to.


Lord, I praise You and honor You as my Lord and Master. Give me courage to never be ashamed to tell others that I love You. May my life prove that love You more than anything in my life.