A Joyous Perspective

A Joyous Perspective

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
‭‭James‬ ‭1:2-3

Dealing With Difficulties

When was the last time you had a smile on your face when you were dealing with the difficulties of life?  Never!

Of course it’s easy to praise the Lord when things are going well.  It’s actually a very nice situation to be in.  But what about when God tests our faith and trust with the things that are near and dear to us?

We can experience joy when we endure trials and suffering as long as we have the right perspective. Praising the Lord for the suffering and trials we face reflects how we view God.  God uses our trials to purify and perfect us. We must always remember that God does not delight in seeing His children suffer.

I once heard a talk radio show host say that he called his brother on the phone to pray for him after he had recently lost his job and then seriously injured his back.  He said he was praying for God to remove the pain and suffering from his life.  But the brother replied and said, “I don’t want the pain and suffering to be removed until I have learned what God wants me to learn from it.”  Now that is a joyous perspective.


Wouldn’t you love for God to tell you why you go through certain trials?  Well, you can and you need to. Pray for God to reveal his plans and purposes to you.  Pray for the ones you know who are going through some difficult times.

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