Deep Faith

And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;
Acts 17:26-27

Just because you believe in Jesus as the Son of God doesn’t mean you have strong faith. Faith in Christ is the foundation of salvation but strengthening your faith and your walk with Christ is a process. Salvation is instantaneously given to those who believe.

Sometimes our faith isn’t always strong. Even though we believe in Jesus, there are times when we feel far from Him. Our Christian faith is more than just an intellectual belief. Strong faith results in a life of seeking to please God and valuing what He values.

It is easy to say that God is in control. It’s harder for us to believe in faith that He actually is. Sometimes fear supersedes our faith and doubt replaces the truth. We need to always remind ourselves that everything we experience is ordained by God. Everything that happens in our life is for God’s glory.

God is sovereignly positioning every little piece of your life; the good and the bad. God is in control of every detail of your life and so He knows what you are dealing with. God is always within reach and you can draw near to Him by saying, “Lord, I need You. Help me.”


Lord, You are all that I need and all that I desire. I know that You have a count of every hair on my head and every thought in my heart. Give me the courage to know that You are sovereignly in control of all things.

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