Devotional For September 30, 2023

My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you,
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭4‬:‭19‬

Paul’s words reflect the heart of a spiritual parent who cares deeply for the spiritual development of his “children” in the faith. It reminds us that in our journey as believers, we should not only focus on our personal growth but also invest in the growth of others.

The phrase “labor in birth again” underscores the idea that spiritual growth is a process. Just as a woman goes through labor pains to bring a child into the world, nurturing spiritual growth can be challenging and requires much effort. It’s journey consisting of teaching, guiding, and discipling.

The ultimate goal of spiritual growth is for “Christ to be formed in you.” This means that our lives should increasingly reflect the character, love, and nature of Jesus. It’s about becoming more like Him in our thoughts, actions, and attitudes.

It’s essential to recognize that this transformation doesn’t happen through our own efforts alone. It is through our relationship with Christ. We depend on His grace, guidance, and the work of the Holy Spirit to mold us into His image.

Consider your role in nurturing spiritual growth, both in your own life and in the lives of those around you. Like Paul, may we be committed to seeing Christ formed in us and in others, recognizing that it is a labor of love guided by our deep faith in Christ.


    Lord, help me to be diligent in becoming more like You. Help me to encourage others in their growth in faith. Let Your love shine through me each and every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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