“And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying.”
Mark 2:4
Alexander Graham Bell once said, “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
There is much truth to what Bell said. So often we are faced with “closed-doors” and we give up or wait for another opportunity to go a different direction. However, as we see in today’s Bible verse, our faith can take us to a higher ground where we see new opportunities.
Mark 2:1-12 tells us of an event when 4 men brought a paralyzed man to Jesus to be healed. As soon as they arrived to the house the crowd was so pressed that they could not enter through the door. Instead of giving up they carried the man up upon the roof and made an opening to lower the man down to Jesus.
It was an amazing event for the multitude of people to witness. They were all astonished when this man got up and walked away. Jesus not only healed him physically but He healed him spiritually by forgiving his sins.
These four men had such strong and courageous faith that they would not and could not give up. They were determined to get the crippled man to Jesus. They knew Jesus would do something to heal him. And He did.
But watch what happened. When they could not get through the door, they didn’t wait for another door to open. They went up to the rooftop and made a door. Their faith moved them to make a way. They got creative and got to work. Their faith moved them into action.
Is your faith strong enough to move you into action? Does your faith cause you to do courageous and extraordinary things? God does not give us faith just to sit and wait. He gives us faith that can move mountains.
Lord, give me courage to use my faith to show people Your glory. Let my faith shine today. Let my faith be noticed by You.