A Father’s Example

“What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
Philippians 4:9

The best way to lead is by example. Dads have a major responsibility with leading their family but the most important teaching that should come from a dad is how to worship God. And what better way than by example.

As spiritual leaders it is a privilege and responsibility to be an example to others. Paul encouraged others to follow his life as an example. It’s one thing to just learn what the Bible teaches but it’s a whole different issue to live it out.

We are instructed to be obedient to what the Bible teaches and to obey each command. Paul knew the reward for such obedience is the blessing of God’s peace.

Like Paul, we’ve got to live in such a way that we can say, “Learn what I teach – by my example!” What kind of example are you setting for others to follow? Is it an example of love and compassion? Is it an example of fearing and honoring God as sovereign Lord? Is it an example of leading others to Christ? Your life is a testimony to others.

People need to witness Christ-like examples of Christian living. Our children need to witness what it means to live holy and righteous. Our world needs to witness examples of God’s grace and forgiveness. Our churches need men who set an example of what it means to be faithful and true. The challenge is before us to practice the things which we have learned.


Lord, thank you for giving us Christian men and women who have been great examples of how we should live our lives. Help me to pass on to others what I have learned so that someone may witness who You are in me.

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