‘Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, ‘
Ephesians 2:19
Have you ever felt like you were a stranger living in a foreign land? Have you ever had to relocate to a different community, new job or a new school and felt like a fish out of water? It takes a little time before you actually feel like it’s home.
In today’s verse, Paul wants us to consider what it feels like to become a member of God’s household; to be part of the family of God, to be a child of God.
Maybe you have sung the hymn, “I’m so glad… I’m a part… of the family of God.” Sing it right now! “I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood.” Now it’s stuck in your head!
In reality, faith is not just believing but belonging. As a believer in Jesus, you belong to God’s family and His household. The moment you put your trust in Jesus you are no longer a stranger to God but a friend or a child. Even though you are living on earth, your real citizenship is in heaven!
The moment you say, “Lord Jesus, I believe in you, forgive me of my sins and save me,” instantaneously and miraculously, you belong to God. Have you experienced that blessing of belonging to God?
Our home is in heaven and one day we will be in the presence of our Lord and Savior. Can you imagine what it will be like? Heaven awaits us and we long to see Jesus face to face. Let the hope of eternal glory fill your heart with everlasting joy.
Lord, thank You for saving my soul and accepting me into the family of God. Fill my heart with joy and give me a song in my mouth. Until I’m in Your presence, let Your light shine bright in me so others will know You as well.