He Knows My Name

And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.”
Luke 19:5

Have you ever considered how big our world is? It makes us look really small in comparison. It also makes us feel really small. We can’t even imagine what lies beyond what telescopes cannot magnify.

In the Bible story about Zacchaeus, we can imagine what he felt as he climbed up into a tree to see Jesus walk by. Zacchaeus was not a popular person nor did he consider himself special. But when Jesus walked by, stopped and looked at him, everything changed in the blink of an eye.

Jesus called him by name and called him out of the tree so He could spend the afternoon with him. We know that it changed his life because after his encounter with Jesus he began giving money to the poor and refunding those he overcharged.

Before meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus was hated by everyone. But after receiving the free gift of salvation, he was a friend of everyone. Jesus changed his world and gave him a new life.

As we remember this amazing story, it would be advantageous for us to realize that Jesus knows everything about us. He knows our past, future, and what we face right now. When we encounter Jesus, He can change our life for His glory.

You may think that the Lord doesn’t care or isn’t listening to your prayers but He is. You may think that He has other things to be concerned about rather than your life, but He doesn’t. He is inviting you to spend quality time with Him today.


Lord, make me feel Your presence today. Let me know that You are doing something special in my life. Help me to never forget how much You love me.

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