His Name Is Praised

My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord , And all flesh shall bless His holy name Forever and ever.
Psalms 145:21

Did you know that God will take what Satan intended for evil and make it good? That is how good our God is!

Sometimes it seems like when we get closer to God is when the spiritual battles occur in our life. But that is when Satan tries his best to make you stumble.

If you are not facing Satan’s opposition it may be because you are not doing anything for the Lord. When you boldly praise the Lord and live righteously for Him, Satan will attack like never before. Be on guard!

Satan’s strategy is to defeat you but God is there to empower you and lift you up. He will give you strength in times of weakness and grace to overcome any opposition.

God will be praised by those who truly seek Him and follow Him. His name will be blessed and honored by people who trust in Him for all things. His name is on the tip of our tongue all the day long.

If you were to have a recording of everything you said yesterday, what percentage of your speech was praise to the Lord? Was the majority of your words used to glorify God?

We need to be more attentive in speaking praise of the Lord. We are to bless His holy name all the day long. If we were to speak more praise we would be full of His joy. Praise the Lord today and watch what happens.


Lord, I praise and honor You with all of my heart, soul, and mind. Your wonderful works bless me and keep me strengthened. Let me see Your glory today.

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