Jesus Is Coming Soon

“He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.”
‭‭John‬ ‭1:10-11‬

It’s ironic that the entire world was waiting for the expected Messiah to appear and when He did… He was not received.

He worked miracles that proved He was from God. He taught with authority that proved He was a great preacher from God. He prophesied things that amazed people. But the ones who should have received Him, rejected Him.

Over 2000 years later He is still rejected by many. The same way that the Jews rejected Jesus is the same way people reject Him today. They don’t acknowledge Him as Lord.

Some say He was just another prophet. Some say He was just a good man. Others even say He was a lunatic and a liar. These people who don’t acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah are spiritually blind.

People who believe Jesus is the Son of God have received spiritual sight. They see that Jesus is the Savior of the World. They see Him as the Bible presents Him. He is God and He is man. He died and He arose.

The Bible is clear to say that Jesus will return for His people. He will come in a cloud just like He left this earth. He will return and take His children away from this earth while the remaining people endure seven years of tribulation. What a horrific time that will be. The earth has never seen such chaos and tragedy.

Until Jesus returns we are to shine the light of Jesus into the darkness. We are to spread the love of Jesus among the poor and needy. We are to share the message of God’s grace and forgiveness.

If we truly expect Jesus to return soon, we need make sure everyone knows Him like we do. Someone may be watching and listening to you today, expecting you to share the good news of Jesus with them.


Lord, I know You are coming soon. I want to let others know about You. Use me to show someone who You are. Thank You for saving my soul.

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