Jesus Wants To Comfort You

“And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭19:5‬ ‭

The story of Zacchaeus took place while Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem for the triumphal entry. Zacchaeus did something most grown men wouldn’t do and that was climb up into a tree so he could watch Jesus as he walked by.

To his surprise Jesus stopped beneath the tree, looked up and called Zacchaeus by name. And as we read in today’s verse, Jesus wanted to go to his house and have a personal meeting with him.

Zacchaeus didn’t have a reputation for being a devout, moral man. He was a chief tax collector which meant he made his riches by taking advantage of the working class. Although his name means “pure one” he didn’t get much respect from other people to say the least.

But the day Jesus walked by all eyes were on Zacchaeus. Jesus made it a point to call him by name and show him some attention. After meeting with Jesus, he was transformed.

This passage of scripture helps us to know that when we feel forgotten or abandoned by others Jesus knows us by name. He knows our hearts and he wants to comfort us.

There is nothing that can stand in the way of Jesus loving us and making us feel special. Just as Zacchaeus had a personal invitation to meet and talk with Jesus, we too have that opportunity to share what’s on our minds or what’s weighing heavy on our hearts.

We don’t have to wait for Jesus to come to town nor do we have to fight our way through a crowd just to speak to Him. We have the convenience of praying at anytime and from anywhere. Do you spend time with Jesus in prayer? He wants to spend time with you.


Lord, you know me by name and you know my heart. Help me to know your heart and your desires. I want to be used by you.

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