Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.
Psalms 5:8
David certainly had enemies that were plotting against him. They had evil intentions and were manipulating him before king Saul. King Saul was growing jealously aware that David could possibly steal his throne. It was all false and made David look like the bad guy.
Can you can relate to this situation? Have you ever had someone falsely accuse you of something or say something about you that wasn’t true?
David responded with wisdom and reason. He wanted God to lead him down the right path so he would not fail. David wanted the tables turned and for his enemies to get what they were plotting for him. He wanted their own words to be their trap, to be caught in their lies so he could be cleared.
This still happens today. Even in the church, people gossip and slander each other. The Bible tells us that God hated this for David and hates it when we do this to one another or when people of the world do this to His children.
God hates wicked speech of any form. The remarkable thing is that David displayed the mark of true discipline, the result of a God-centered life, following Him, His precepts and plan while seeking His purpose for his life.
Walk in God’s righteousness and allow the Lord to lead you in the right path.
Lord, keep me in Your straight path. Give me wisdom and reason to respond righteously when I face evil people. Help me to seek Your righteousness.