Our Hearts Burn Within Us

Our Hearts Burn Within Us

They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the Scriptures?”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭24:32‬

Walking With Jesus

After Jesus’ resurrection He appeared to two disciples who were leaving Jerusalem and apparently witnessed His crucifixion.  They received the news that Jesus was not in the tomb but was alive.  They were very sad as they discussed the details of the events that happened over the weekend.  As they were walking and talking, Jesus joined their conversation and they did not know that it was Him.  Jesus spent much time with them as they talked on the road to Emmaus.

As Jesus spoke to the two disciples, He began with Moses and the prophets to tell the story of Himself.  They spent time together as He shared the Scriptures with them and broke bread together.  Their eyes were finally opened to see that it was Jesus who spoke with them concerning all things.  After they considered all things they said, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us and as He opened the Scriptures to us?:  Their hope was restored and their passion was renewed.  The fire burned in their hearts as they heard the words of Jesus.

In the same way, Jesus wants to renew your passion for Him.  Notice that it begins with the Word of God.  A you walk with Jesus, He wants to spend time with you to reveal His goodness and mercy for you to be encouraged.  We must allow time for Him to speak to us and the fire will be rekindled within our hearts.


Open our hearts to what You have to say to us and help us to learn from Your word.  Give us what we need to hear.

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