Peace And Holiness

Peace And Holiness

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:14‬ ‭

Only Through Jesus

We are instructed to pursue peace and holiness as we mature in our Christian life.  But notice carefully that without holiness no one will see the Lord. You may be active in church attendance, engaged in spiritual activities, and believe you are a spiritual person, but if you do not have holiness you will not see the Lord.  In other words those who are without holiness, which is godliness or Christlikeness, will not inherit eternal life in Heaven.

Some people believe that if they do enough good it will gain them eternal life in Heaven.  The truth is we are only able to see the Lord in Heaven through Jesus Himself, not by our good deeds.  There is no way we could do enough good things to impress God in order to gain eternal life in Heaven.  However, Jesus did live a good and perfect life which qualified Him to be the ultimate sacrifice that pleased God.  And the only way that He was able to do so was because He was God in the flesh.  Jesus lived a holy and perfect life that was in complete obedience to God and He did it all for those who could not keep the law of God.

All who trust in the person and works of Jesus Christ are given the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit enables those who are in Christ to pursue holiness and possess a longing for the things of God.  A new yearning to live holy and perfectly is the result of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  If you pursue peace and holiness it is because God gives you the ability to do so.  You cannot pursue peace and holiness outside a relationship with Jesus Christ.


Ask the Lord to give you strength and courage as you strive to live holy and perfectly according to His Word.

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