Reflecting On The Cross Of Jesus

Good Friday

Today we reflect on the death and burial of Jesus Christ and we must consider the reality of His gruesome suffering on the cross. It was prophesied and satisfied by Jesus, the Son of God. 

Jesus, fully man and fully God, lived a perfect and sinless life. He was physically, mentally and spiritually tempted by the devil. He was tempted as we are but He never sinned. For that reason, He was and is the only One qualified to die in the place of sinners. He was the spotless, sinless Lamb of God. 

Jesus died on the day of the Passover at the set time when the priests where to sacrifice the lambs (3 pm). He died in the place of all sinners and paid the penalty for all sins. Only Jesus could such a miraculous work. His final words spoken were, “It is finished.”

Jesus is the One who takes away the sins of the world. God sent Jesus because He loves you and wants you to live with Him for eternity to come. Before the world was formed, God had a plan and a purpose to redeem humanity. 

Satan tried every way possible to thwart and prevent the plan of God. Satan failed but Jesus prevailed!  Jesus died as a sinner who knew no sin. And that is why we have victory in Jesus!

As we reflect the on the Cross on Mount Calvary let us be mindful that it was Jesus’ choice to die. At any point Jesus could have called for a legend of angels to save Him and it would have happened. What was said by Jesus was done. He spoke the Word and it happened. So remember that Jesus was thinking of you as he hung on the cross.

It isn’t the old rugged cross members that save us from our sins.  It is the blood of Jesus that poured out of his body and dripped down the cross. God justifies sin through blood sacrifice. It was the blood of Jesus that satisfied God and justified mankind. We have forgiveness because of the blood sacrifice of Jesus. 

You are fully forgiven when you repent of your sin and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior.  You inherit all of the Kingdom of Heaven when you believe with all of your heart that Jesus is your Lord and Master. 

Repent and turn away from your sins. Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Confess your sins to Jesus and receive the free gift of salvation. God loves you and proved His love to you. 

Now let us prove our love to Him. Paul says in Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”

Our duty and service to Jesus is to live holy and righteously which glorifies God. Do we mess up? Absolutely. Will we fail?  Of course we do, everyday. But Jesus is there to pick us up and give us what we need to be the Christian we are called to be. Jesus redeems us and restores us.

You cannot do it by yourself. You don’t have the power to do it. Only Jesus can.

Jesus is always available to help you and give you victory over sin and temptation.

Trust in Him. Rely on Him. Walk with Him. 


Lord Jesus, thank you for thinking of me. You lived and died for me. You give me eternal life because You love me. Help me to live holy and set apart from the evil that I witness everyday. You alone receive all the glory and honor for being the Savior of the world. Amen. 

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