Refresh Yourself

And he said, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.”
I Kings 19:14

Doing the Lord’s work can be extremely exhausting. That’s why it is important to stay refreshed and encouraged. One can be easily defeated in the area of being discouraged.

Elijah got discouraged from doing the work of the ministry. He had just called down fire from heaven and experienced one of the most powerful victories on Mount Carmel. The prophets of Baal were defeated and people turned to God. It was a powerful revival.

But because of this great awakening, Elijah was facing death threats causing him to run for his life. He felt defeated and discouraged. Oh how quickly it can happen in our life as well.

When we focus more on our troubles and problems than on the power of God we can become overwhelmed with stress, anxiety and fear. And the devil will attack when we least expect it. Often times we get to this point right after we have accomplished great things.

The good news is that God commanded Elijah to rest. It refreshed his mind, body, and soul. God also sent him a helper, friend, and companion. Elisha was a blessing to Elijah.

Sometimes we just need to take a moment to get refocussed and refreshed. If you are overwhelmed and exhausted you probably need to rest. Trust the Spirit of God to get refreshed and encouraged.

One of the best ways to rest is to take time to worship and reflect on the goodness of God. Even God rested on the seventh day to reflect upon His good work.


Lord, You alone are God! You are my Lord and Salvation! I focus on You and Your kingdom today. Encourage me and strengthen me through Your Spirit.

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