Tell The Good News

‘Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” ‘
John 20:21

One of the worst things is for Christians to remain silent. It is our duty and responsibility to share our faith just as Jesus sent the disciples to do. How are you sharing your faith with others?

There’s no better time than now to share the Good News of Jesus Christ! The world needs to hear it and see it. And we need to proclaim it and live it. We miss too many opportunities to share our testimony or share the love of Jesus with those we come into contact with.

God has chosen us to be His witnesses in this world. That doesn’t mean that we must stand on a street corner and condemn people of their sins. We share our faith with others because we are concerned with their eternal destiny. We have Good News to give and they want it; they just don’t know what to do with it, yet.

If you have a voice, speak about Jesus. If you can sing, sing aloud to Heaven so others will hear a joyful noise. Can you teach? Teach someone the truth of God’s word. Are you called to preach? Proclaim the full Gospel of Jesus Christ. Can you write? Use your skillset so others may know the love of Jesus Christ.

The Devil wants you silent. Jesus wants you to witness. Loving others is a good witnessing tool. People want to be loved and people need to be loved. Today is a good day to share your faith with someone who needs the love of Jesus.


Lord, give me boldness to speak my faith when I’m tempted to remain silent. Let me show love and kindness to someone who needs it today.

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