‘And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. ‘
Colossians 3:23-24
Mediocrity and laziness have no place in the Christian life. We must always maintain integrity and reliability. Our work habits and labor reflect in our personal relationship with the Lord. God always wants us to do our best.
We will always have people in our lives that will disappoint us, neglect us, mistreat us, and even betray us. Some will demand that we give to them while offering nothing in return. And that is why Paul instructs us to do everything enthusiastically as to the Lord and not to people.
There is a big difference between doing something for people and doing something for the Lord. Working for the Lord changes our perspective as we view our endeavors in light of what He has done for us. Our efforts are never overlooked when we know we are doing it all for the Lord.
You may have a boss that doesn’t appreciate you, a friend who isn’t loyal, or a spouse who doesn’t respect you, but that does not give you the right to cut corners, gossip or cheat in return. God demands that we love others the same way He does. We are to treat others according to the way God treats us.
Pay close attention as to why you do what you do. Are you doing things to please others or to please the Lord? God is worthy of our best effort.
Lord, increase my abilities to always give my best in everything I do. Give me wisdom to understand that I am working for You and You will reward my efforts. Thank You for giving me strength, knowledge and wisdom to do what I do.