For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid with his fathers and saw corruption.
Acts 13:36
David had a servants heart. He was committed to being a servant for God. David learned how to please God in every situation.
The key to David’s life was doing what God purposed him to do. When David faced his final days of his life he could look back and smile with confidence knowing he lived his life for the glory of God. That is an amazing testimony.
Throughout the Bible we read about men and women who were servants for God. They did what God purposed for them to do. Their purpose was to please God.
The greatest servant who gave Himself entirely for the purpose of God was Jesus. In His humanity, He gave His life for the sake of sinful man. God, the Father, was well pleased!
Are you a faithful servant for God? As Christians it is our ambition to serve as Christ served. We are to humble ourselves to the point of being servants for others.
Your purpose in life is to be a servant of God. Search and see who you can serve today. Be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need the love of God.
Lord, allow me to serve and minister to someone who is in need. Show me what they need. Give me a servant’s heart to be a blessing to someone else.