The Things That Are Unseen

The Things That Are Unseen

As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:18

Daily Devotional

Looking Up

It is exciting to come to the realization that we were created for more than just this world we live in now.  This Earth is not our eternal home. If you ever feel such that you don’t belong to this world, you’re right. We were made to live with God and experience His beauty and majesty.

The Bible tells us that we have a future home to look forward to.  We cannot fathom the great and wonderful things God has in store for those who believe in Jesus. There will be mansions, streets of gold, rivers of water that is crystal clear, and most of all the throne of God will be shining eternally. There will be no need for light because we will be living in the presence of God’s glory. What a sight to behold! Why would anyone ever think that the world we live in now is even comparable to what Heaven will be like.  There is no paradise such as the one we will witness after we leave this earth. There are some beautiful places to see here on Earth but they don’t come close to the things we will see in Heaven.

The Lord wants us to keep our focus on the things above. He desires that we love the things that glorify Him. We are to enjoy what God has created for us here and now but we need not to get comfortable. This earth will pass away and all things will be made new. To God be the glory.


Lord, allow me to understand that this world is not my final home. Help me to see things as temporal and to know that the things of Heaven are eternal.

Daily Devotional

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