The Works Of Jesus

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”
‭‭John‬ ‭4:34

What are your top priorities today? Is it making it to work on time, making sure the kids behave, or completing a task that has been lingering for some time? 

Whatever it is, it has your attention and your focus. Your focus becomes your priority and your priority becomes what you do. 

Throughout the Gospels we can read and understand the focus and priorities of Jesus.  We also see the priorities of His disciples.  Jesus was more concerned with the spiritual needs of people and the disciples were most concerned with their physical needs.  

Many examples throughout the gospels prove that Jesus’ focus was on people knowing and believing Him. Everything Jesus did pointed people to God. The disciples were learning from Jesus what the most important priorities should be. 

In the beginning verses of John 4, Jesus met with a Samaritan woman at the well.  The disciples left to go get some food and came back to give some to Jesus.  When they asked him to eat He said these words, “My food is to do the will of God and to do His work.”  Again while Jesus’ mind was on spiritual matters the disciples were thinking about feeding the flesh.  Jesus was giving the woman at the well eternal life while the disciples were more interested in being fed and satisfying themselves. 

Jesus entrusts us to do His work.  We are the hands and feet of Jesus and need to be concerned with the spiritual needs of others as much as we are trying to meet their physical needs.  Sometimes we neglect sharing the truth with those who need it and concentrate on making sure they have something to eat.  

We should always make sure that we are giving the “bread of life” to those who are lost and hungry.  Giving someone something to eat and not offering them Jesus is missing out on a great opportunity to witness.  We need to be about our Lord’s business and make new disciples.


Lord, send someone in my direction and allow me time to share the truth of Jesus Christ with them. Let my priorities prove that my love for you is authentic. 

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