Time To Transition

‘The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.’
Psalms 14:2

When God looks down from heaven, one thing He looks for is if there are people who understand His heart and seek after Him for righteousness sake. He’s not looking for people who are smart enough to figure Him out. He looks to see who has a moral and spiritual awareness.

As we transition from Christmas celebrations to New Year’s resolutions, it’s fair to say that we look forward to something new. 2021 will definitely be a year of transition. We will be transitioning from old ways and developing new methods.

We have the opportunity to set our hearts toward God. Once we seek after the heart of God we can be certain that God will align our paths and keep us in His perfect will. God notices those who seek after Him.

Let this be a time of transition. Transition your heart from what’s not important to the things that matter most to God. Allow God to speak to your heart about the things that need to happen for His glory.


Lord, I know you see my heart and You know my mind. Help me to establish behaviors that bless Your name. Keep me in Your ways and purposes.

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