“My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
Psalms 121:2
What do you do when you feel helpless? When life seems to spiral out of control, what do you do?
Helplessness can turn to hopelessness if you don’t know where to turn. At some point in time we all need assistance. We all experience situations in life that stretch our abilities and resources to the max. It is at this point when we ask, “Where does my help come from?”
God will allow difficult circumstances in our lives for us to turn to Him for what we need. When we face impossible situations we have a choice to make. We can continue to feel helpless and hopeless or we can turn to God.
We don’t ever need to think that God is not wanting to help us or that we have done something so bad that God won’t come through for us. We all make mistakes and we all need God’s help.
That is what makes God an awesome God. He forgives and He extends grace to those who don’t deserve it.
Obviously the psalmist was facing some very stressful circumstances that required the Lord’s assistance and he knew God was going to do something for him.
Most of the time we ignore the signs of needing God and we try to accomplish difficult tasks in our own strength and wisdom. But wouldn’t you rather have the One who created the heavens and the earth to help you?
God knows what you need and knows how to help you. He is just waiting for you to say, “Help!”
Don’t wait until you have exhausted all of your abilities and resources. Immediately when you realize you need help just ask God. He will be ready to give you comfort and hope.
More than anything we need to know that God cares for us and is desiring to show us how much He loves us. God loves you and will be your help.
Lord, I need you today. Help me in my time of trouble. You are my rock and my shield. I trust You and know You are doing something about my circumstance right now.