What Is Man

What Is Man

What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?
Psalms 8:4

God Cares For You

It is so important that we always remember how much God loves us.  It is easy for someone to start thinking that God does not care or that He is not concerned with our circumstances.  God is fully aware of what is happening in your life, even at this very moment.  God has you in mind.  The good and bad things that happen in our life are not by accident and show that God wants to be included in every area including the small things.

When we visualize the great work of God’s creation we can’t help but ponder how small we are in comparison.  King David is reflecting on this concept as he pens this song.  It is amazing how God takes such great interest in the human race.  It amazed David that the Lord of the universe would even think about man.  But that is where God makes sure that a way for His people is established and offered and it’s through Jesus Christ.

Throughout the entire Bible we see stories and promises related to mankind and how God wants to be part of our lives.  However the problem occurs when we do not let God in our daily routines.  Starting every day with a fresh word from God will help us develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  An intimate relationship with Jesus helps us to overlook our problems and view them with a mindset that God is working everything together to bring about His perfect will and way.


Pray and thank God that He has considered you as a special part of His creation.

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