Are You Spiritually Disciplined?

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:11‬

What are your personal spiritual disciplines? Have you disciplined yourself in God’s Word?

Spiritual disciplines are similar to dieting. When we are selective and mindful of the nutritional foods we eat, the results are beneficial to maintaining good health. Eating healthy food produces a healthy body.

Indulging on junk food may satisfy you temporarily but it’s not going to return good health. In fact many Americans are overweight and unhealthy because we are not disciplined with what we eat.

Maybe you have great self-control when you see a warm, freshly baked chocolate cake with chocolate icing sitting on the counter next to a glass of ice cold milk. (The struggle is real!)

We may not be tempted in the same way but you know what tempts you to steer away from healthy eating habits.

In the same way we must be disciplined to feeding our souls. We are tempted spiritually everyday. The devil will do whatever he can to make you stumble. Especially when you’re not spiritually disciplined.

Spiritual disciplines help us to maintain righteous living and be healthy servants for God. When we pray without ceasing, we are mindful of the things of God. When we meditate day and night on the Word of God, we feel closer to God. When we worship regularly with other Believers we are more aware of other’s needs than our own. Giving and serving produces joy in our hearts.

The Bible has no comprehensive “spiritual disciplines” list we should practice, but it does give us commands to do certain things on a regular basis. And when we do, they produce good fruit in our lives.


Lord, help me to stay spiritually strong and keep me from evil desires. Help me to create healthy spiritual disciplines that will incorporate Your standards into my life.

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