Be Sure To Rest

And He (Jesus) said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”
Mark 6:31a

Life can get very busy, very quickly. We must take time to breathe and catch up on some much needed rest and relaxation. If not it will lead to an overload of stress.

God rested. He rested on the seventh day of creation week. He set an example of how we should take a break from our busy schedule and take a look back at what has been accomplished. God rested because He knew we needed rest. 

Without a break every once in a while, you can become overwhelmed and burned out. The demands on our time come at us from every direction. We must always remember to take time for our family and relationships that get pushed to the side when we are too busy.

Today might be a good day to be still and listen to God. Even in ministry work, we can become so busy that we push God to the side in order to deal with the activities of serving others. God wants us to take a break and spend some time with Him. 

When our priorities are in order we live a more peaceful life. Spending time with God needs to be our top priority and then we can focus on our relationships with others. 


Lord, give me a day of rest and relaxation. Help me to prioritize my time with You and increasing my knowledge of You. Bless my time that I can spend with people who matter most to me.

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