Devotional For November 20, 2023

For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.
‭‭Romans‬ ‭7‬:‭15‬

These words can relate to the internal struggle that we all face—the tension between our intentions and our actions.

Paul’s wants us to acknowledge our own human frailty, the moments when our desire for righteous living collides with the reality of our shortcomings. We constantly find ourselves wrestling with the same internal conflicts, recognizing the gap between our desire to do good and the stumbling blocks we encounter.

But within this honest admission, there is a profound revelation of grace. Paul’s acknowledgment of his struggle doesn’t lead to despair but lays the groundwork for God’s mercy to intervene. In recognizing our flaws, we open ourselves to the redemptive work of Christ, who meets us in our imperfections.

As we navigate the complexities of living out our faith, let Romans 7:15 serve as a reminder that our journey is marked by both aspiration and imperfection. It’s an invitation to extend grace to ourselves and others, understanding that the transformative journey of sanctification is a process.

The question we need to ask ourselves is, “Are we allowing the power of God to control our lives?” God wants to reveal Himself in such a way that we cannot live life without Him. We may have good intentions, but we need the God to work on our behalf.


Lord, I come acknowledging the tension within my heart, the struggle to do what is right and the reality of my actions. I confess the need for Your mercy and grace. Thank you for understanding my frailty and giving me redemption. May Your power continue in my life as I walk in this journey of faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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