Good Friday

And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last.
‭‭Mark‬ ‭15‬:‭37‬

Jesus’ earthly mission was to seek and to save the lost. (Luke 19:10) It was accomplished when Jesus died on the cross. God’s plan of salvation was complete.

Satan did everything in his power to keep Jesus from going to the cross. He even tried killing the lineage leading up to Jesus. Satan could not prevail.

When Jesus breathed His last breath, Satan knew it was over. God won and Satan was defeated. Today, Satan is just waiting for his time to be cast into the depths of hell. He has no future and he knows it.

Today, on this Friday before Easter Sunday, we remember what Jesus went through to save us from our sins. When we sin we must remember the price that Jesus paid so we don’t have to.

That alone should put a desire in our heart to seek to live righteous and holy lives. As born again believers, we have forgiveness of our sins because Jesus bore our sins on the cross. Praise God for sending His Son to save us!

We can have eternal life with God in heaven because Jesus paid it all. What sins do you need to confess and repent from? A sinless and righteous life is what we seek for.


Lord, thank You for dying in my place. You give me peace knowing I have eternal life. Forgive me and set me free from sin.

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