June 10, 2023

For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬

Today, James reminds us of the consequences of having a judgmental spirit. If we pass judgment onto others, we too will face the same judgment.

However, when we embrace the mercy of God, it is greater and more powerful than any human standard of judgment. When we show mercy to others, we align our hearts with the heart of God and invite His mercy to be revealed through us.

As people who have received the blessing of God’s great mercy, we are called to extend that same mercy to others. When we choose mercy over judgment, we exemplify the character of Christ. Mercy creates a spirit or attitude of grace and forgiveness. It breaks down the barriers of bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness and creates the best opportunity for healing and growth.

We must also understand that mercy does not mean we turn a blind eye to a sinful behavior. Rather, it involves recognizing our own need for forgiveness and acknowledges that we fall short of God’s holy standards. It is about viewing others as Jesus does.

Mercy allows us to see beyond others external actions and attitudes and see the brokenness and pain that people are experiencing. Most of the time, people produce bad behavior as a result of being lost or out of fellowship with God. Showing mercy can turn others to God.

As we encounter those who hurt us, wrong us, or disagree with us, let us choose mercy over being judgmental. Practice extending forgiveness, compassion, and grace. When you do so, you will experience freedom and peace and will point others to our loving Father who will transform their life.


Lord, thank You for Your great mercy that triumphs over judgment. Help me to extend the same mercy to those around me. Teach me to see others the way You see them, with grace and understanding. Help me to be humble, acknowledging my own need for Your forgiveness and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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