Remain Positive

For all flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever. And this word is the good news that was preached to you.
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1:24-25‬

We hear a lot of bad news on a regular basis. We expect the news sources to keep us informed with what’s happening around the world but most of the news is negative. After hearing so much bad news and negativity for so long we can start to grow numb to it.

The Bible teaches us there is a day soon approaching when Jesus will come for His bride, the Church. The dead in Christ will rise from their graves and all Christians still living will meet Jesus in the air before entering into Heaven. This future event is called the Rapture.  

We see events unfolding everyday that leads us to believe the Rapture could happen at any time.  Violence and crime will continue to get worse and persecution of Christians will soon be like it was in the first century.  But don’t worry, there is hope.

The good news is given to us through the Word of God. The nightly news may be doom and gloom but God’s Word brings peace and comfort to those who believe it.

It is important to saturate ourselves with the Good News of Jesus Christ.. This dark world needs the positivity of the church until we leave this world. The Church should be the light that brightens the world.

What can you do today to brighten someone’s day? Can you share a compliment, extend a helping hand, or pass a smile to someone who is down. Positivity starts with you. You can make a difference in someone’s life today.


Lord, thank You for growing your church throughout the world. Help us be a part of spreading your good news. Keep me positive and grounded in Your truth.

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