Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday

He is not here, for He has risen, as He (Jesus) said.

Matthew 28:6

Because He Lives

Today we celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior of the world. Easter Sunday is a day that the world can be sure that God’s promises are true and that redemption is accomplished. Because Jesus lived a perfect and holy life on this Earth His blood that was shed on the cross became the atonement for our sins. In other words, Jesus paid the ultimate price for sin which is death!

On the third day (Sunday) Jesus defeated death and sin by bringing Himself back to life. Only God the Son could do such magnificent and miraculous work. That is why we worship and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Only Jesus could live and die and then live again. All power and majesty are given unto Him!

Because He lives, we have hope and assurance in salvation. One day we all will leave this Earth but glory to God we shall see Jesus face to face. Heaven awaits us for eternal life in perfect harmony and glory. There will be no more sin! No more death! No more tears! No more suffering! It’s all because of Jesus. It’s all because Jesus lived. It’s all because Jesus died. It’s all because He lives! Celebrate today with the joy and blessedness that we have received because God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son so that all who believe in Him will not perish. Jesus gives us everlasting life!


Lord, thank you for dying in my place and forgiving me of my sins. Thank you for giving me eternal life in Heaven. I will live for your glory so that others may know you as I do.

Daily Devotional

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