Say The Blessing

Then He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitudes.
Matthew 14:19

Praying before a meal is a beautiful testimony of our faith and thankfulness. Jesus gave the perfect example as He prayed over the bread and fish just before it was distributed among 5,000 men. It was a blessing indeed as some would say. 

Do you say grace before you eat? Do you ask the blessing at mealtime? Or do you return thanks before you dig in?

Praying over a meal is called many things and can be expressed in many ways. It is a sign of gratitude from the heart. The most important thing is that we are thankful for the blessings of God.

We are given another example of Jesus praying and blessing the bread before He broke it and ate with the disciples the night before He died on the cross.

It should never become a mindless habit nor should it be an inconvenience. Praying and thanking God for our food should be a pleasure and an expression of our heart’s gratitude. We should teach our children to bless the food and show them the importance of giving thanks for God’s provision. 

Those that do say grace on a regular basis might be tempted to repeat the same phrases or chants from memory. Maybe it’s time to find a fresh way to thank God for our blessings. Think outside the box and identify a couple of things to thank God for. 

Mealtime prayers should not be the only prayers offered up to God. Paul instructs us to pray without ceasing. Let your prayer time be meaningful. And if you are uncomfortable praying with people who don’t pray, let it be your testimony. Don’t ever be ashamed to pray!


Lord, I am so thankful for all the many things You have given to me. Let my heart be overflowing with gratitude and let my example of saying the blessing be a testimony to others.

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