“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”
Psalms 46:10
We use the excuse sometimes that we don’t have enough time. While that may be true for some things it’s not for others. In fact most of the time it’s just simply an excuse.
Take a look around and think about your life and your schedule. We live busy lives but there are certain things that we must take time for. We have the time; it’s more of a priority issue than a time issue.
Sometimes God will slow us down so that all we have is time. Time to pray. Time to meditate on His Word. Time to spend with family. Time to do the necessities. Time to reach out to a neighbor in need. And time to rest.
The Bible says to seek His Kingdom first. This means that He should be our highest priority. Seeking God should not be something that we just “fit in” our schedule, it should be the most important thing we do. Our time spent in prayer with God and time spent in His Word should dominate everything else we do.
Today’s verse shouts the importance of being still and taking time to listen to God. It’s His small still voice that we cannot ignore. How can we hear God speak if we are always in a rush and trying to “fit in” time for Him? We can’t!
The Bible reminds us that God wants to spend time with us. He wants to commune with us and allow us to be in His presence and to see His glory. How devastating our lives are when we are not still long enough to allow God to do His work in and through us.
Are you making the most of the time you have? Are you investing your time into the things of God? Make sure that you prioritize time with God so that He doesn’t have to slow you down.
Lord, I want to hear your small still voice. I want to make sure that I listen and obey. Help me to manage my time more wisely.