So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.
Matthew 20:16
The context and background to this verse is very important to understand. Jesus shared a story (a parable) with His disciples so that they would understand more about the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus told them a story about a good landowner who agreed to pay his laborers a denarius which was far and above what the job entailed. When it came time to pay their wages the first ones who were hired complained because they saw the gracious landowner pay the others equally who didn’t work as long and hard.
Jesus was having this teaching moment because he knew the hearts of the disciples. They were thinking they needed more rewards because of their committed service to the Lord. Jesus needed them to understand that the gift of eternal life in heaven was more than what they deserved.
Then Jesus concluded by saying, “For many are called but few chosen.” Jesus extends an invitation to all but only a few will accept His salvation. Others will not believe in Jesus because they think He is not good, gracious or generous. So they walk away like the Rich Young Ruler, thinking they have everything they need.
You have been called but have you said “yes” to giving up everything to follow Jesus? His payment of heaven is more than fair. Do you desire eternal life more than anything this world has to offer? Your service to the Lord will be proof.
Lord, Your grace is enough. Your mercy and forgiveness is what I need. I surrender my life to receiving Your gift of eternal life.