Satan Knows The Power of Prayer

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear.
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭59‬:‭2

One of the most powerful tools that we possess as Christians is the power of prayer. Jesus has given us the authority to use His name to pray and to have our prayers answered by God. Praying makes a difference.

The prayers of Christians are so powerful that even Satan knows how much an impact prayers make. It’s no wonder that the devil wants our prayers to be hindered. When our prayers are hindered the things of God are not as powerful.

We should be concerned with our prayer life. It’s important that we stay in good fellowship with God. When we are in harmony with God our prayers avail much. That is why we should be confessing and repenting of our sins daily.

Our sins separate us from God. Thank the Lord we have a Mediator of stands in our place. We are washed in the righteousness of Jesus. But we still need to live holy and righteously for our prayers to be powerful.

Your prayers can change your life or even the life of another person. When Jesus died on the cross the veil in the temple was torn in half thus giving us full access to God himself. Our prayers are our access of communicating with God the Father.

How do you view your prayer life? Do you value your time speaking to God in prayer? He desires to hear our hearts cry out to Him.


Lord, I lift my voice to You in prayer. Forgive me and cleanse my heart so that my prayers are heard and that my prayers align with Your Holy Spirit.

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