The Importance Of Prayer

‘Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. ‘
James 5:16

Did you know that you can get God’s attention through prayer? It’s not so much in what you say but what your heart desires. James, the brother of Jesus, gives us a great truth to always remember.

James gives us the insight on how to get God’s attention when we pray. He says to confess our sins. This is necessary to have good fellowship with God. We need to confess our sins and cleanse our hearts.

All through the Bible, the righteous were close to God and He was near to them. Anyone who comes into the presence of Almighty God will be renewed and changed. It is important that we confess our sins and remain pure at heart. This is how we can know God will hear our prayers.

In the next verse, he uses the example of Elijah as he prayed fervently that it might not rain and there was no rain for 3 1/2 years. And then in verse 18, he prayed again for rain and heaven poured down rain. So what made Elijah’s prayers get God’s attention?

Proverbs 15:29 says the Lord hears the prayer of the righteous. But this same verse also says the Lord is far from the wicked. When the righteous speak, He hears. But God does not hear those who do not repent.

Also, James says to pray for one another. Is your heart’s desire set on the healing of others? Not just the healing of sickness but spiritual healing as well. It is important that we pray for others and not just ourself.

Perhaps the greatest key to getting God’s attention is in our faith in the One True God. Our faith is what gets God’s attention the most. Our faith speaks louder than words. Is your faith strong? Do you pray expecting God to answer your prayers? Don’t be so surprised when God answers your prayers.


Lord, forgive me of my sins and renew a right spirit in me. Cleanse my heart and make me new again. Help me know that you hear my prayers and You will answer according to Your Will.

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