Come To Me

Come To Me

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

From Stressed To Blessed

According to the American Psychological Association, the top 3 things that Americans are stressed about are the future of our nation, money, and work. When asked what specific issues in our country cause them stress, Americans’ most common responses were health care and the economy.  On average women have reported higher stress levels than men.  Millennials have the highest reported stress levels.  It’s stressful just reading the statistics about stress.

The good news is Jesus doesn’t want you to be stressed about the future of our nation, money, or work.  There are so things in our lives that cause us to be weary and heavy burdened.  Everyones’ burdens differ in various ways.  The things that you are burdened about may not be a big deal to someone else.  Satan will try to attack you with anything and everything to distract you from serving the Lord with all your heart and with all of your mind.  Don’t allow your stress to keep you from being blessed by the Lord.  The Lord wants to give you rest and peace.  But first we must “come to Jesus” and lay our burdens at His feet.  Then we will be able to breath easier and rest.

What burdens are you carrying today that you need to let go of?  It doesn’t make sense to keep stressing over the things that you cannot change.  Trusting Jesus for rest and comfort sounds a whole lot better than suffering physical and emotional issues associated with stress.  It’s just not worth it.


Lord, I trust that You know best.  I know You are active in my life and aware of what’s burdening me but I turn it over to You.  Help me to know you are in control.

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