Devotional For October 5, 2023

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭11‬

The apostle Paul instructs us not to engage in the deeds of darkness. As Christians, we are called to a higher standard of living, one that rejects sinful behaviors and worldly influences. Avoiding fellowship with darkness means making choices that honor God and reflect His righteousness.

Exposing the works of darkness does not mean condemning or judging what others do. Instead, it means shining the light of God’s truth on sin, injustice, and falsehood. We do this not to shame or condemn but to offer a path to redemption through Christ.

Let’s consider these practical steps for helping us expose darkness without condemning or judging others.

  1. Be mindful of the company you keep and the influences in your life. Surround yourself with those who encourage you in your faith and hold you accountable to godly living. There are people who would love to see you stumble. These are evil influences.
  2. Let your actions and words align with the principles of God’s Word. Your life should be a testimony to the transforming power of Christ. If we talk more about the promises of God than the problems of others, it will make a difference in our own attitudes.
  3. When you encounter wrongdoing or deceit, approach the situation with love and humility. Speak the truth in a spirit of grace and gentleness, pointing others to the light of Christ. Sometimes it not “what” you say but “how” you say it.
  4. Seek God’s wisdom and guidance in discerning right from wrong. Regular prayer and studying the Bible will sharpen your discernment. Spend more time praying to God about your issue than complaining to others about the issue.
  5. Purposefully live as a light in the world, reflecting Christ’s love and truth. Your actions and character can draw others out of darkness and into the light of salvation. People are drawn to the light. Be the light!


Lord, thank You for Your Word that guides and instructs me. Help me avoid fellowship with darkness and to expose it with truth and grace. Let me be a reflection of Your light and draw others to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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