Preparing For Christmas

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 1:18

One of the miracles that Christians believe is the Virgin Birth. Jesus was born of a woman and of the Holy Spirit. The fact that Jesus was born of a virgin eliminated Him from being born as a sinner. Jesus did not inherit sin.

God had a specific plan and had specific people to carry out His perfect plan. As unusual as it may seem, it’s really a fascinating set of events. More importantly though, God’s ways are not always our ways.

The events leading to the birth of Jesus is the greatest story ever told in human history. It’s unimaginable, but it’s definitely true. People from far away made their way to see the new born King.

Because Christ was born, we can be filled with joy, hope, and peace! Christmas is about redemption. And that is something truly worth celebrating.

God will often call us to face difficulties because of our obedience to Him. It’s in those times that we must reman faithful to God. Like Joseph, we must trust that God will bring us through it.

As you prepare to celebrate this Christmas season, encourage yourself in the Word of God. Nothing will bring you more peace and comfort than the Holy Scriptures. Put the teachings of Christ first in your life and watch what happens.

Take a moment today to reflect on how God has brought you through difficult situations that now give you hope and peace.


Lord, help me this Christmas season to make it be all about You. You are the reason for joy, hope, and peace. May the world know You as Lord and Savior.

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