The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and might,
the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
Isaiah 11:2
Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, the Holy Spirit guided and directed Him as He made important decisions. (Mark 1:11) As we see in today’s verse, Isaiah described what the Spirit’s presence would mean for the Lord.
The Spirit gave Jesus the knowledge of the will of God the Father. The Spirit enabled Jesus to take the word of God and apply it to the specific areas that He encountered.
Do you need guidance and wisdom for a decision that you are facing? Are you in a position of great responsibility and feel overwhelmed by the decisions that you must make? Are you seeking the help of the Lord?
As a Christian, you have the same Spirit who lives inside of you. The Holy Spirit comes in wisdom and brings the understanding of God’s ways. The Holy Spirit guides and directs us as we make the difficult decisions of life.
The same Spirit who enabled Jesus to see through the deceptions of Satan will also guide you through the temptations that you face. When the Holy Spirit controls your heart and mind, you can make it through the tough decisions you make and you can live your life effectively.
Lord, fill me with Your Spirit to give me wisdom to understand the things that I am facing today. Help me to know Your will and way so that I may please You in every decision I make.