And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me;
Acts 1:4
No one likes to wait. Especially for something great and wonderful. We want what we want, right now. And sometimes we jump ahead and force things to happen on our timing. Waiting on the Lord and His promises is not a simple task to do.
Jesus instructed His disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit to come to them. That’s all the details that they were given. They didn’t know how long they would have to wait. They didn’t even know what to expect. But what we see them doing is great. They were together in the upper room praying and seeking the direction of God.
The disciples were spending time together preparing for the next big thing to happen. They were eagerly awaiting the presence and power of God to come down. The next important thing was to replace Judas with Matthias. They were focussed on the things of the Lord.
What do you do when you are in a time of waiting? It is important to focus on the things of God and never jump ahead of God’s timing. Waiting is sometimes referred to as suffering, but the suffering is part of our character building.
Patiently waiting on the Lord requires self-control and wisdom. The reward is worth the wait. When you are in a waiting period of your life consumeyourself in the Word of God, surround yourself with godly people, and focus on doing the Lord’s work.
Lord, help me to wait for Your direction. Give me wisdom and courage to wait for You to instruct me and guide me. I will patiently wait on You.