Concerning The Times

Concerning The Times

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you.
1 Thessalonians 5:1

Anticipate The Day

There is great joy and great confidence in knowing that Jesus Christ is coming very soon.  In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul gives answers to the questions of what happens when someone dies and Jesus hasn’t come back.  But there are many questions of when is Jesus coming back for the church.  So Paul starts chapter 5 with a great statement to encourage Believers.  Just as the Thessalonians were curious about the coming of Jesus and the Rapture of the church so are many of us today.

Paul said we do not need any more information because we already have what we need to know.  He means this in a way that Christians are prepared for Jesus’ return and since no one knows the day or hour we stay alert and rejoice in the fact that Jesus is returning soon.  Acts 1:7 says, “He (Jesus) said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.”  If we knew the exact time that Jesus was going to return it would either cause panic and fear if it were near or it would cause us to lose hope if it were a long time away.  What Paul does say that we need to know is the fact that the day is coming soon.  We should expect it to happen even if it were today.


Pray for God to help you live a holy life with complete obedience to His Word and in anticipation of looking forward to the day of the Lord.

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